Just before dawn on Wednesday, a sailboat packed with 118 Haitian illegal migrants arrived on the beach in Key West, Florida. True to form, the passengers immediately made a break for dry land.


Apparently in response, the "US" Department of Homeland Security announced on Friday that it is "shielding an extra 300,000 Haitian nationals from deportation and offering them work permits, citing the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the country."


(The "US" DHS is a fraudulent globalist agency established in the wake of 911 to keep tabs on anyone daring to question the official narrative and/or the PATRIOT Act thereby "justified".)

"Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorka[s] said he is extending and redesignating Haiti for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months until February 2026. The redesignation allows Haitian immigrants, including those in the country illegally, who were not covered by prior designations to apply for the protection and for work authorization."

TPS (Temporary Protected Status) is a fraudulent designation. Haitians cannot be protected from themselves, especially when the first order of libtard/progressivist business is to shield them from the due enforcement of US laws including border regulations. Obviously, this will only encourage them to break other laws including those which would otherwise discourage White genocide. (The ancestors of modern Haitians slaughtered the nation's entire White population back in 1804, probably eating a great deal of delicious yt meat in the process.)

As a matter of historical fact, Haitians cause their OWN humanitarian crises, first by indiscriminate, horrendously dysgenic reproduction that exhausts their resources as efficiently as a plague of locusts, and then by doing what comes naturally to them and committing violent crimes like they're going out of style. Importing Haitians to the United States simply makes their humanitarian crises our humanitarian crises.

Conclusion: The United States would be much better off if Mayorkas and his senile-demented boss Biden were hunted down, speared, and eaten by Haitians. (Yes, Haitians reportedly do that, especially when incentivized by US bureaucrats. However, it's important to make sure that they do it only to those who invited them here and provided them with what amounts to legal carte blanche, taxpayer-funded armed security, and amnesty from serious prosecution and deportation.)

Want to make money from the impending flood of cannibalistic Haitian criminals? Market a new brand of barbecue sauce with labels depicting Mayorkas being torn into bite-sized chunks by famished, foaming-at-the-mouth Haitians. Call it something like "Yt Meat 4U", "Haitin' on Whitey", or "Cracka Dip" (anything that makes a Haitian go bitey on Whitey when he works up an appetite on armed robbery and gang warfare). ;-)

118 Haitian Migrants Land on Florida Beach

118 Haitian Migrants Land on Florida Beach

A sailboat reached the shores of Key West, Florida, just before daybreak on Wednesday. In the early morning darkness, 118 Haitian migrants disembarked and made a break for the shoreline, according to the Border Patrol. | Border / Cartel Chronicles